CR7 Legal Terms & ConditionsWHOOP, Inc
Bundle sale prices automatically applied at checkout through the CR7 Join Flow and If bundle sale is purchased through the CR7 Join Flow, the following return policy shall apply, as applicable: (i) keep membership but return one band - member will receive prorated refund for one band; (ii) keep membership but return two bands - member will receive full refund for both bands; or (iii) cancel membership and return two bands - member will receive full refund for bundle sale purchase. If bundle sale is purchased through, the following return policy shall apply, as applicable: (i) return one band - member will receive prorated refund for one band; or (ii) return two bands - member will receive full refund for both bands. Refunds will only be issued upon receipt of return. For more information on refunds and returns, see the WHOOP Terms of Use.