Unwrap WHOOP, unlock potential

The gift of a lifetime

Discover deeper sleep, more movement, less stress, and infinite insights about your health and fitness with the most comprehensive wearable.

Designed to keep you present

With a screen-free design and automatic activity detection, WHOOP measures your most meaningful health and fitness metrics without getting in your way–no pings or distractions. WHOOP also outperforms other wearables with over 99% heart rate and HRV tracking accuracy and gold-standard sleep tracking.

  • Unwrap WHOOP

    Focus on your health and fitness with the only wearable that you can completely customize to you–from over 74,000 ways to wear it to over 140 behaviors to track. It’s the gift you’ll love for a lifetime. 

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  • Put a bow on theirs

    Empower the people most important to you to sleep deeper, train smarter, stress less, and live better with the wearable that tracks every metric that matters. Join a WHOOP team to do it all together.

    Gift now

Worn by the best

Join our community of like-minded individuals and world-class athletes on a mission to unlock their best health, fitness, and life.