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App Feature: Performance Profile


New App Feature: Performance Profile

As a WHOOP member, you have access to a continually expanding app with new features to help you monitor and improve performance. The latest feature to hit your screens is the new Performance Profile, available for iOS and Android (make sure to download the most recent version of the app). Read below to learn more!

Where can I find the feature?

On your overview page (the home screen), swipe right to your Performance Profile. Previously, WHOOP showed you a summary of the last 30 days on WHOOP. Now, you can click into “All Time” to see a full history of your stats from your entire time on WHOOP.

The performance profile in the WHOOP app.

How do I interpret the new data I am seeing?

The more data you collect on WHOOP, the more valuable and fun this feature is!

Total Activities

See the total number of activities you’ve ever logged on WHOOP and the full breakdown between sport, along with your average strain for each sport category.

A breakdown of your total activities all-time on WHOOP.

All-Time HRV and RHR Averages

Your HRV (heart rate variability) and RHR (resting heart rate) are huge predictors of your recovery. Your highest and lowest numbers are listed in your Performance Profile, along with an average.

Your average HRV and resting heart rate on WHOOP.

Data Streaks

Data streaks are a fun way to see personal records across your recovery, strain, and sleep. See how many days in a row you logged a strain of 10+, had a green recovery, and got more than 70% of your sleep need.

Data streaks on WHOOP.

At the very top of your profile, you’ll also see a streak of how long you’ve logged data on WHOOP without missing any days in between.

The number of consecutive days you've collected WHOOP data.

For recovery, keep in mind that staying in the green every day isn’t realistic, especially if you’re training hard and have a busy life. So, don’t be disappointed if your data streak isn’t as high as you’d like!

How does it benefit me?

The new Performance Profile can make collecting data on WHOOP more fun and help you set goals by challenging you to improve personal records and streaks. The more data you collect on WHOOP, the more it calibrates to your baseline and understands the intricacies of your recovery, strain, and sleep. In turn, the more valuable your Performance Profile will be since it pulls from all of your historical data!